Преводи и легализация

Езикова школа


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„NIVEDA 2001” was authorized by MFA for translation of documents in 2001. With our long-year experience and the assistance of our partners in Sofia we will prompt you in legalization of your documents, issued in R Bulgaria. We will also assist you in certification in all embassies, ministries and institutions in Sofia.

Documents, legalized abroad, will be promptly translated by sworn translators and certified in Notary office.

We work with acknowledged profiled and sworn translators in forty languages. They will implement for you quick and accurate translation in different areas of the social and economic life with responsibility and quality.

We work with professionals in different spheres of public and economic life. We have proven experience in specialized translation - technical, legal, medical, IT.

Our customers may have discounts for loyalty and large amounts of translation. Deadline of the projects is negotiated.

If you have human resources that can translate for you, we can offer you a translation course for them. See the curriculum of the translation course

Translators course


We also offer online course Bulgarian for foreigners.